Business development support grant

Small and local businesses are an important part of the City of Karratha’s economy, offering choice and opportunities to our community.  

Offering grants of up to $30,000 on a matched dollar-for-dollar basis, the City supports local business development projects delivering economic benefits within the City. Projects may be delivered by an  organization or through a collaboration of local organisations.  

Applications are encouraged from incorporated not-for- profit entities focusing on delivering business support services and development projects, such as hosting seminars, conferences, workshops, boot camps and research projects. 

Download the scheme policy or read the guidelines for more information. 

Complete your application form below to start your application process.  

Call 9186 8555 or email to contact the City Growth team for more information.  

Section 1: Applicant Details
E.g. NFP, Charity, Commercial
Postal Address
Up to 50% of total project budget not excessing $30,000.
If discussed prior to lodgement
Section 2: About Your Organisation
Please describe the business support operations of your business i.e. What services you provide to support business in the region?
Section 3: Project/Activity/Details
Please be specific
Provide any economic impact data to support your case.
Section 4: Acknowledgement of Funding
Section 5: Budget Details
List all the expenditure and income details relating specifically to your activity/project including any supporting quotes and support of other funding partners.

If this information exists in another format please attach a comprehensive budget document.

Please note: The City of Karratha will not provide funding to cover business operating costs (e.g. staff wages, rent,
Expenditure Income
Items Total Items Total
Total Expenditure
Total Income
Keep in mind relevant categories and funding caps in the Guidelines and Council’s support of up to 50%
One file only.
10 MB limit.
Allowed types: txt rtf pdf doc docx odt ppt pptx odp xls xlsx ods.
Section 6: Other Information
Please feel free to upload a file with any further relevant information or supporting documents.
One file only.
20 MB limit.
Allowed types: gif jpg png bmp eps tif pict psd txt rtf html odf pdf doc docx ppt pptx xls xlsx xml avi mov mp3 ogg wav bz2 dmg gz jar rar sit svg tar zip.
Section 7: Declaration
I hereby certify that I am the authorised person of:
And that:
  • I have read and understood the Policy & Guidelines;
  • The business has all the required insurances, permits and licences to operate;
  • We would be able to proceed with the project if we were not successful in the funding application
The information contained herein, is to the best of my knowledge, true and correct.
Sign above
Section 8: Final Checklist
Before submitting the application please ensure that the following has been completed. Please note that this checklist is included that you provide all the required information for assessment of your application. Incomplete applications will not be accepted.
  • Provided your ABN and if you are registered for GST
  • Clearly defined the purpose of the grant
  • Shown other fundraising sources
  • Quotes included for all expenditure items
  • Provided other documents that support the application
  • Application has been signed by an authorized signatory

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